Love, Joy, Peace...

As the parent or legal guardian of the student(s) to be listed, I hereby consent for my student(s) to attend and participate in all activities provided as described above. At  times it becomes necessary to use private vehicles or the church-owned bus to transport students to and from Today Church for youth activities. When this occurs, Today Church requires that a parent/guardian of the student sign/submit this Consent Form. By submitting this form, I hereby release Today Church, as well as its directors, coordinators, employees, volunteers, or other agents from all liability or damages for any and all injuries arising from the negligence of any of the above while traveling to this activity via private vehicle or church bus.

Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Student(s) Name & Date of Birth
Please List all participating Students
Student's Address
Activity & Dates of Attendance
Emergency Contact (Required)
In the event of an emergency, who do we contact? Phone number?
Allergies or Medical Info to be aware of (Required)
As the parent or legal guardian of the student(s) listed above, I hereby (Required)
YES I agree/consent to all of the above stated by Submitting this Form
NO I DO NOT agree/consent to all of the above stated